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Back in February I posted on here asking about shooting locations in Finland. Well, tonight the special finally aired. Our Finland trip was just part of a two night, two hour special on Oklahoma Education. Naturally, some of what we did got cut down for time but the reporter and I combined our segments into one 42 minute documentary that is basically an extended version of what aired on TV. Just thought I'd share it with everyone. Feel free to critique but just know that I couldn't pack everything for the trip and I used battery powered LED's for everything and the night we went out to shoot night shots, standups, and teases, it was so cold that fully charged batteries were only lasting about 8 minutes on a light before going dead so lighting was a challenge. I used a Panasonic HPX370 to shoot the Oklahoma segments and my Sony NX5U to shoot in Finland. At times, I also used my iPhone 5s and a GoPro 3+ Silver Edition. If anyone is interested in seeing the full special its online at