Dog night


Well-known member
OK looking for some tips/advice more so than an actual critique of my story from last night. Here's my issue, I've been shooting nightside for years so I'm used to lowlight outdoor situations but this one was new to me. I had to shoot a dog playing in the backyard with the owner in the dark, my hold up being every time I turned on my camera light the dog stopped whatever she was doing and just barked at when on and on, So I decided to bite the bullet push the gain to 18db and go without the light...the dog was fine with that. The backyard had enough light to see fine with the naked eye but through the lens it was dark.

I was able to sneak off a couple wide shots with the light and not have the dog notice but that was about it. You'll see what I mean. Like I said looking for some lowlight shooting tips when conventional lighting methods can't be used. Thanks guys!
How did you keep a straight face when she showed up in the Ringmaster outfit? The only thing I might suggest would be to use a stand light somewhere in the yard. Together with the house lighting and that, you would be OK. The light, off and away from the camera, might be less confusing to the dog.
From what I saw it seems you made the right choice. Aside from exactly what FeedingFrenzy said by setting up one of your own lights to help provide some illumination...its a challenge but with some help with from a artistic reporter you can turn your disadvantages in an advantage if it has anything to do with the issue at hand. You're making the right choices so learn to go with the flow to still tell a good, solid story and you are and have.
hey guys thanks for getting back to me. Usually I don't run into such low light situations like this even at night so I appreciate the tips!