Damned Conservatives

Terry E. Toller

Well-known member
Those damned conservatives won't allow us to drill for oil in Wyoming, one of the world's largest oil deposits...
Those damned conservatives won't allow us to drill for oil off our coasts but china is drilling 75 miles from Florida...
Those damned conservatives are giving tax dollars to corn growers to grow corn for fuel and the the cost of feed corn has gone through the roof! (side note: there is a grass that produces ten times the alcohol per ton and can be harvested three times a year but the grass growers don't have a lobby to pay those damned conservatives)
Those damned conservatives want us to cut and run from Iraq like we did in Viet Nam.
Those damned conservatives think it is ok and even good to kill innocent, unborn babies but not to exicute a man who repes and murders a child.
Those damned conservatives, oh... wait a minute... what?


I have to agree with you that the subsidy to corn growers for ethanol is a mistake. Not the best use of corn or tax dollars by any means.

But with a vote of 318-106 in the House, 85-15 in the Senate, I don't think it's those "damn liberals" (or "damn conservatives") fault. Everyone screwed up on that one. If anything, it's a sneaky way for both sides to "look" environmentally conscious while not really accomplishing anything.

I'll stay out of the other issues -

Baltimore's Finest Fotog

Well-known member
Those damned conservatives are the ones who got GWB elected for a second time....and the first time for that matter. And look where that got us.

And those damned conservatives are now having a hissy fit because Scotty Mac decided to tell it like it is.


Well-known member
ah more right wing rambling.....

mmm where to start, I sure am glad I am a liberal. As a liberal, I dont mind helping out people in my country. For instance, right now I am helping you out Terry, by educating you.

To start, the "oil" in Wyoming, is actually oil shale, and it was Reagan who pulled the plug on the development of extracting the oil. They spent billions trying to get the oil out of the shale, actually its not even oil, its kerogen, and to show your distance from facts or truth even more, they are already extracting some of the oil, but it cant be drilled.

Now I would like for you to connect how its the liberals fault that China is buying oil thats drilled of the coast of Florida?

Yeah those damned liberals are giving away tax dollars to good American farmers, and the damned conservatives are giving away billions more in Iraq. I just read a story about one of the guys over there taking and selling a billion dollars worth of medical supplies on the black market and then pocketing the money. Not that big of deal to Bush because his friends have stolen much more money than that in Iraq, and yet the conservatives bitch if you want to spend a couple million supporting the people of this country.

Yeah we want to cut "and run" from Iraq, its like stepping in a pile of dog ****, the only thing you can do is walk away, but you conservatives want to roll around in it. Its completely accurate conservative logic to think you can force people at gun point to be "free".

And only a conservative can be ignorant and joyful in their hypocrite's world where their "Im with stupid" bumper sticker, is right next to the "its ok to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Iraq" sticker, right next to the abortion is murder sticker.

And the worst part is most of the right wing nut jobs still blame Iraq for 911.

Hell I just got an email from another right wing nut job that blames Al Gore for the cost of gas, EFFing retards.


Well-known member
Now I would like for you to connect how its the liberals fault that China is buying oil thats drilled of the coast of Florida?
That's the irony of the whole thing. If you connect the dots, you have U.S.
businesses shipping jobs overseas to China and India. This props up their economy
to the point where these people are now purchasing and driving cars. Their new found
demand for oil creates a skyrocket in prices. So let's recap...Businesses shift
to foreign labor, we lose jobs and income while prices on gas and anything associated with it go up. Yea...those Damn Conservatives. They really know how
to look after our economy!


Well-known member
Can someone then explain to me why it's "morally wrong" - according the Sierra Club and their squishy liberal ilk - for the U.S. oil companies to drill for oil off our own shores in places like FL, CA, GA, SC, NC, VA ect. because "our oil companies might have an accident and cause harm to the environment with an oil spill"... but perfectly okay for Chinese oil companies to do the VERY SAME THING in the VERY SAME PLACES?!?!?!?

Why is that?

Are the Chinese oil and industrial companies much better stewards of the environment than our own oil companies? (LOL!!!! - China's not a polluted industrial wasteland, right?))

Do the Chinese have MORE incentive to keep OUR shores clean (despite living on the other side of the world from us) than our own oil companies?

Why can't Shell or Exxon drill off the coast of FL, but China can?

Someone answer that for me?

And don't even get me started on ANWR.... All the idiots out there who bitched and moaned 7 years ago about "how it would take 5 or 6 years" to get that oil to market and that it wasn't worth doing becuase the wait was so long. If we'd started drilling there years ago, we'd HAVE that oil flowing by now.

Hate high gas prices? Blame a liberal.....


Well-known member
First of all, ANWR wouldnt make a dent in our Oil demand. And when we do tap that oil, it better be the last oil on earth.

Now I have said all along that we should tap into that Outer Continental Shelf oil, with a very close watch on spills.

Now you are a little confused Pre-set, the Chinese arent drilling off of Florida. They are drilling off of Cuba, just like a conservative to twist the truth and put the blinders on, forgetting about the consequences. Cuba invited the U.S. to use their oil leases but we passed because of the long standing embargo, yeah you remember communism.... I suppose that is the liberals fault too......

Truth is if China does have a spill, or more likely, when China has a spill, they or the Cubans will not be equipped to handle any sort of clean up or containment. And it will FFF up the Florida coast.

But the fact is I doubt China would be any worse the Exxon, the slime of all the oil giants.

So yeah go ahead with your right wing nut job propaganda, and try to believe that high gas prices can be blamed on the liberals. That might work for you until you get out of the country where the only countries that have really low gas prices are liberal..... I like how Chavez gave discounted oil to the USA just to piss off Bush.


I can't help but wonder sometimes if the price of gasoline has something to do with good ole karma. What I mean is, we as americans are pretty spoiled. Up until now gas prices have been bearable. Compared to other countries the prices have been down right cheap. Have you noticed how many people have nice cars and big mini-mansions. It's the american dream right? We as americans don't have to live in filth like we are some kind of third world country. Right? If we can't afford it...get it on credit. Who's fault is that? Now look at all the poor folks who are losing their asses and houses to foreclosure because of some dumbass idea called an Adjustable Rate Mortgage. Who's fault? OK, my liberal side says let's all get together and bail these poor batards out. Let's just raise taxes and give the loot to everyone who can't pay their mortgage. That would be a great campaigne promise huh? My conservative side says we have to start taking responsibility for our own mistakes. Get out of that big house, sell that lexus and deal with it. Life could be much worse. We want and expect too much as americans. We have set our expectations so high that we get pissed when things aren't perfect. Which brings us to gas prices. Yes, we should demand that prices come down. They are way too high. I would like to pay 74 cent per gallon like when I was in high school. Do I think the fat cats in the oil business care about me...Hell no. It pisses me off to think that I need gasoline so bad. I wish I could walk to work and say screw the gas. I feel like a damn bird in a nest with my mouth open squeeking waiting for my mother bird to drop a freekin worm in their so I can eat! It sucks!
My point is...prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Stop eating out every night. Make a turkey sandwich. We have to take our own actions to survive and stop bitching about what the stupid asses in washington are doing to help us. That crap will drive you crazy. Crazy enough to write some stupid message on some forum somewhere...I'm sorry.


Well-known member
When it hit $4 a gallon, I made the decision last week to park my car and take the bus/metro
into DC. Takes me a little more time, but I'm saving $240.00 a month, (based on 4 tank
fulls I won't be needing a month). My company
pays for either my parking in DC or metro expenses...which are less than the monthly
parking fees. So it's kind of a win/win thing for both of us. Bit of a humbling experience on the bus, but I feel like I can at least feel like I'm part of the solution, rather than the problem with the high price of gas. It's also a hell of a lot less stressful letting someone else do the driving!
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Tv Shooter

Well-known member
"Now you are a little confused Pre-set, the Chinese arent drilling off of Florida. They are drilling off of Cuba.."

The drilling platform is 40 miles off the coast of Key West.Last I looked, Key West is still a part of Florida, which is a part of the United States.

US oil companies have found proven reserves in the hundreds of billions of barrels of oil within 20-40 miles off Florida's west coast. Yet US restrictions do not allow drilling closer than 100 miles from shore. There are also several huge natural gas fields left untapped due to the same restrictions.

Yet off the Texas and Louisianna coast, there are rigs 25-30 miles out. Off of Destin, FL there are natural gas rigs,just 12 miles out. All built before the restrictions. And after over 25 years there's been no problems with oil or gas spills.

Argentina has artificially low prices, however their output has been in decline since Chavez...a Socialist...took over and nationalized the oil industry.

As for when China has a spill...the fear of oil spills destroying the coast is why we can't drill in the Gulf of Mexico...yet after 2 major hurricanes, not a drop of oil was found on any US, Mexico, or any other country's coast. Modern technology allows for using a very small footprint for a rig, and oil spills are extremely rare. Anyone remember the last time there was a major oil rig spill?

We can't drill for oil, we can't recover shale, we can't drill for natural gas, and we can't use nuclear. Yet, we are supposed to "get off of foreign oil"?

Solar? Well, all the solar batteries, and for that matter the batteries in a Prius are made of what substance? All together-lithium. The same lithium we use in our camera batteries and the same lithium that is considered hazardous material. If it's bad for the enviroment to dispose of our camera batteries, if it's hazardous to fly because they might expolde, if 25 grams is "dangerous"-imagine a Expedition crashing into a Prius and breaking open the batteries. And exactly where will we dispose of all the lithium?

yes, drilling all the places we can will not bring gas back to $! a gallon...nor even $2, or $3...but to sit and do nothing but talk....that is the biggest problem.

Doing nothing.


Well-known member
I love how you conservatives just make up your information.....

no oil spills.... what?

Dude there was like forty oils spills with Katrina alone, the biggest was 4 million gallons.....

36 rigs SUNK

109 oil platforms damaged or destroyed....

BP has an oil spill every year on the North slope....

And all you need is one like Exxon's Valdez to ruin peoples life's.

And please.... I dont need a geography lesson, I know the Cuba is only 90 miles away from Key West, but as I said the Chinese are drilling in Cuban waters. And nothing can stop them from slant drilling other than competition.

It would be hard to do with Cuba and Canada, but there are a dozen good reasons to extend our rights and rules into international waters. We need to have total control of all ocean waters within two hundred miles of our coast, and also protect any animals or fish that return to our coast. This would include stopping BC fish farms, giant Japanese commercial fishing operations, and the small Russian fleet that has muscled our waters for years.

And you want to talk about doing nothing, if we spent half of the money that we spent on Iraq looking for alternatives, and investing in our future, we wouldnt have to worry about oil prices.

But you will never hear a conservative talking about conservation, or the future, they all want the money now.

Some Guy in LA

Well-known member
Thanks GW Bush!

For our nearly $4.50 a gallon gas from your Texas buddies!
For all of those chapter 11 companies!
For making the Moral Majority and Tiny Minority!
For our zillion dollar deficit!
For helping the funeral industry to bury our dead soldiers!
For attending ZERO serviceman's funerals!
For more scandals than we could ever imagine in your administration!
For rolling back over 700 environmental laws!
For the crumbling infrastructure.
For so many children "left behind".
For putting foreign relations back 100 years.
For helping historians confirm the worst President in history!
For finding Osama...wait, you didn't!
For all of those lies!
For calling your place in Texas...a ranch! Just how many head of cattle ya got?
For being the greatest gift to Democrats since...Nixon!
For being all hat and no horse!
For sobering up...we hope!
C'mon kids, chime in! The Countdown to no more GW is ON!


Well-known member
Missin' the point

Yes, the price of gas sucks. Yes, world markets are partially to blame. But there is NO JUSTIFICATION for a doubling of price over a one year period.

The bigger issue, an issue of national economic security, is the falling value of the dollar. Remember Enron? The begining of the end as far as I'm concerned - just a little taste of what was to come. This administration's policies have been based on SPIN and not FACT - every step of the way. The economy, the war, Katrina, Valerie Plame - the list goes on.


Well-known member
Can someone then explain to me why it's "morally wrong" - according the Sierra Club and their squishy liberal ilk - for the U.S. oil companies to drill for oil off our own shores in places like FL, CA, GA, SC, NC, VA ect. because "our oil companies might have an accident and cause harm to the environment with an oil spill"... but perfectly okay for Chinese oil companies to do the VERY SAME THING in the VERY SAME PLACES?!?!?!?
To be fair, I don't believe the Sierra Club approves of any of that drilling. Not by the Chinese or by us. But they can't effect a change on the people of China the way they can on the people of the U.S. because we are allowed to believe and stand for what we choose.

When it hit $4 a gallon, I made the decision last week to park my car and take the bus/metro
into DC. Takes me a little more time, but I'm saving $240.00 a month, (based on 4 tank
fulls I won't be needing a month). My company
pays for either my parking in DC or metro expenses...which are less than the monthly
parking fees. So it's kind of a win/win thing for both of us. Bit of a humbling experience on the bus, but I feel like I can at least feel like I'm part of the solution, rather than the problem with the high price of gas. It's also a hell of a lot less stressful letting someone else do the driving!
That is a nice idea, but for those of us who don't live in metro areas with subways, accurate, timely, and frequent bus arrivals, or many visibly active cab services, it isn't an option.

Unfortunately, those in power who ran our country at the time when Europe chose to install and develop a highly-efficient rail system felt that it was best for us to rely on automobile transportation across our nation and back, because the oil companies would continue to make money then. And, now, that's ****ing us.


Well-known member
For our nearly $4.50 a gallon gas from your Texas buddies!
For all of those chapter 11 companies!
For making the Moral Majority and Tiny Minority!
For our zillion dollar deficit!
For helping the funeral industry to bury our dead soldiers!
For attending ZERO serviceman's funerals!
For more scandals than we could ever imagine in your administration!
For rolling back over 700 environmental laws!
For the crumbling infrastructure.
For so many children "left behind".
For putting foreign relations back 100 years.
For helping historians confirm the worst President in history!
For finding Osama...wait, you didn't!
For all of those lies!
For calling your place in Texas...a ranch! Just how many head of cattle ya got?
For being the greatest gift to Democrats since...Nixon!
For being all hat and no horse!
For sobering up...we hope!
C'mon kids, chime in! The Countdown to no more GW is ON!
For generating the most anti-American global attitude in the history of our nation!
For funding forced abortions in China in the '70s but refusing to support stem cell research!
For gleefully and PROUDLY dismembering children with bombs while bragging and at the same time confidently condemning the sterile and painless abortion of a fetus not yet a child!
For stealing a Presidential election and illegally naming yourself leader of this country for 8 horrible years!
For being a mediocre and imbecilic person all the way 'round and still thinking you're a king!
For outsourcing all of our jobs overseas so I have to talk to someone in Bangladesh to get my electricity turned on in Texas, and my college graduate buddies have to flip or serve burgers because those are the only jobs available!
For decimating the largest surplus in budget in our nation's history and turning it into the largest deficit in our history in a span of just a couple of years!

I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL Dumb-yass is gone.

Alaska cameradude

Well-known member
For stealing a Presidential election and illegally naming yourself leader of this country for 8 horrible years!

I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL Dumb-yass is gone.
Ok, sorry but I have to call BS on this one. GW did not 'steal' an election or 'illegally name' himself leader of the country for '8 horrible years'.
First off, it was the Supreme Court who decided, so not only was it not GW, but by definition it was not illegal!! Now I may not agree with the Supreme Court decision, but, there are a TON of other Supreme Court decisions that I don't agree with either, many of them seem way too political now, it may be a conservative leaning court now, but in the past it was a liberal leaning court. I wish that politics could be taken out of Supreme Court justice appointments, but that will never happen.

Secondly, no matter what you think about his first election, I don't know how you can claim 8 years, as the second election it was pretty obvious that GW won fair and square...maybe a close race, but he won.

I don't agree with abortion either (just my personal opinion) so I disagree there as well, but the rest of the stuff you may be right about. :)


Well-known member
For generating the most anti-American global attitude in the history of our nation!
For funding forced abortions in China in the '70s but refusing to support stem cell research!
For gleefully and PROUDLY dismembering children with bombs while bragging and at the same time confidently condemning the sterile and painless abortion of a fetus not yet a child!
For stealing a Presidential election and illegally naming yourself leader of this country for 8 horrible years!
For being a mediocre and imbecilic person all the way 'round and still thinking you're a king!
For outsourcing all of our jobs overseas so I have to talk to someone in Bangladesh to get my electricity turned on in Texas, and my college graduate buddies have to flip or serve burgers because those are the only jobs available!
For decimating the largest surplus in budget in our nation's history and turning it into the largest deficit in our history in a span of just a couple of years!

I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL Dumb-yass is gone.

Fo keeping another 9/11 (or worse) from happening by going hunting for these savages where they live and killing them THERE instead of ignoring them and letting them come here and learn how to fly planes on student Visa's, a-la-Clinton.


Well-known member
For keeping another 9/11 (or worse) from happening by going hunting for these savages where they live and killing them THERE instead of ignoring them and letting them come here and learn how to fly planes on student Visa's, a-la-Clinton. pre-set
When you have a guy like Cheney involved in "hunting" anything, it's little wonder
that Bin Laudin and the rest of those responsible for 9/11 are STILL running around loose...
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Well-known member
Well, to be fair to Mr. Cheney, #9 birdshot really wouldn't be suitable for killing terrorists. Even elderly lawyers are only slightly wounded by it.