CNN AC360 Trump Location Interview Lighting


Well-known member
Did anybody else notice the incredibly bad lighting during the CNN AC360 Trump interview out on location last week? It was just unacceptable for something at that level.

First of all, it seemed to be a bit washed out as far as color. Their skin tones & hair weren't rendered accurately. I think it should have been warmed up.

The floor lights were way too intense, whether too close or hot, and were accentuated by a slight shine on the side of Trump's face whenever he adjusted his head's orientation. You could almost see the light fixture's face because of the 'reflection'. Then, when Trump would gesture with an open hand, his palm was like a mini bounce board.

Of course, we don't know how much time the crew had to set up and what tools they had to work with if it was a last minute shoot. But at a minimum, I think light intensity, if not placement, and CT should have been correct.


Well-known member
If that is the interview I saw last week (sort of in the lobby of an office building?), it must have been setup by Trump's people because I saw the exact same setup with other networks. It seems even a Billionaire can't hire a good crew.


Well-known member
Yes, it was in some type of lobby but how does somebody in charge like the DP or a producer not see this and correct it? The low angle floor lights remind me of theatrical stage floor lights or a shiny board for exteriors that produce a dramatic shadow when something passes between the light and the subject, like his arm occasionally does.

In addition to the skin reflection, which a bit of powder could have removed, Trump's hair looks very white whereas in most other interviews it has a slight warmer color which I understand is affected by how he's lit and CT balanced. Has anyone here seen him in person to know the true color of his hair? AC's frame looks better.




Well-known member
Well, on 7.23.15, they either aired another part of the original interview after some mid-shoot lighting adjustments, post-color corrected or shot a new one because everything I described earlier was fixed. However, if the CT was post-corrected, the reflections and hard shadows would still be there. So, I think it was a mid-shoot fix or a different time.

What they showed was not that long so I didn't think to note what they were wearing to indicate if it was a different time until it was over. It appeared to be at the same location inside Trump Tower's lobby and the skin reflection was gone, the skin tones were warmer and more normal, the hard shadows were gone because the key light was softer for diffused coverage and seemed to be raised higher. Whether it was post-corrected or was a separate shoot, it clearly showed that two lighting setups were used. Thanks to whoever corrected it.


Well-known member
Looks like a suntan reflector! :>)
Yes it does, like the large reflectors used in the old black & white tv shows and movies.

As for bad lighting of the Trump interview, I do believe the second CNN interview I saw that looked normal was a different one because he was wearing a different tie.

However, it happened again on 7.28.15. This time on Fox News's On The Record show. See video below. It was the same interview location but even worse lighting than CNN. It looked like they were using the 1 for 2 light trick by using each person's hair light as the other person's key light with a slight cross angle because there was falloff on the outside of their faces toward the wide shot camera. Not only were they unusually dark because of the lack of adequate light, Trump was a little cool but Greta was blue! It was surreal. The wide camera also did not seem to be matched to the dedicated cameras because Trump looked cooler & Greta looked more normal (warmer) on the wide shot. It would be a relief to find that these were set up by Trump's people as Mr Jensen suggested because I can't believe that network crews would do this or that the network would allow it.




Well-known member
I have no idea what the back story is but I do know Trump wants to start the minute he sits down. He barely allows time to put a mic on AND he likes to lean forward during interviews where most people who light expect the subject to sit back and sit up straight. Once Trump sits down there's no making adjustments. He just doesn't allow for it.

If, in fact, his campaign hired a crew to set up the same shot every network has to use (much like the White House does when they bring in 25 local stations in one day to do 10 minute interviews with the President) then someone with his campaign didn't properly vet the crew before they hired them.