b-roll.net in 2024


Staff member
Hello to all the classic b-rollers out there. It's been a minute.

After some technical work "under the hood" we're hoping to get the conversation going again on the FORUM.

Chime in if you're here. Tell us how you're doing. What would you like to see on b-roll.net?

All the best,

Glad the server migration worked out. This has always been a great resource and water cooler for those in the industry.
I’m sure this took a lot of time and effort. I hope that we can get it back to the useful and engaging resource it was. Thanks for doing this Kevin. Keep well.
Interesting! Just recently I thought "What ever happened to B-Roll?". Maybe I came across my T-shirt. I remembered all the wonderful NAB socials we had.
Welcome Back Kevin, and I hope you're doing well.

I retired from ENG/News work, doing mostly event audio production these days. I'm also a part-time producer and panelist for Office Hours Global, which everyone in media production should check out.
Hi, Kevin. Thank you for reviving B-Roll. I was always a remote user (now in Halifax, NS, Canada) but appreciated all the help from the group.

Interesting! Just recently I thought "What ever happened to B-Roll?". Maybe I came across my T-shirt. I remembered all the wonderful NAB socials we had.
Welcome Back Kevin, and I hope you're doing well.

I retired from ENG/News work, doing mostly event audio production these days. I'm also a part-time producer and panelist for Office Hours Global, which everyone in media production should check out.
Hey, AS - I was on the daily Office Hours crew till got a visit from the Big C last year. Been working my way back to health with OH on the list for later in the fall. It's one of THE best resources around for remote production.
Wow... So glad to get that email and see this forum come back to life. It was a HUGE part of my early career.

It dawned on me when I logged in that I joined this forum 23 years ago when I was green. Very, very green. And now... Well, let's just say I've been around a minute and told some cool stories. I left news a long time ago and work on the commercial production side now. But I still get to tell documentary style stories... Some highlighting our areas Level 1 Trauma Center, and telling stories of survival and recovery... Rather than just all the death.

Anyway, glad to be back around. And hope to see it jump back to life. I'll certainly do my part to help.
Glad b-roll is still here. I check-in occasionally, but unfortunately it’s not as busy as it once was. But then again, it’s the same with lots of the other traditional forums, as well. I wish it would turn back around. I much prefer real forums and boards vs. reddit, which is full of amateurs asking the same questions over and over and over again, those that don’t know what they’re talking about, but scream it loudly and repeatedly and some that actually are making real movies and TV shows and think that that is the only way things are done and can’t fathom why anyone would do anything differently.

This has always been the bastion of real working professionals.