Anton Bauer Alternative Chargers


Well-known member
I have a question that I'm sure that will get answered through this post. I'm setting up my battery situation and I decided to go with the Dionic AB series. I'm finding that most used chargers on Ebay won't charge these types of batteries without a chip upgrade. Or they are really old beat up models that the seller is asking top dollar for.

I'm looking to the knockoff versions of the AB chargers and they are way less. Has anyone purchase one of these chargers ? If you have will you share your experience with me good or bad ?

You can not charge Anton Bauer brand batteries on a generic charger. And you can not charge generic batteries on an Anton Buaer brand charger. You'll need a series 2400 or 2700 Interactive 2000, a Titan or a Tandem. Most of these are set up for Dionics. Seems like I had to upgrade the chip on my 2400 but it was cheap. Call Anton Bauer if your not sure if a particular model charges Dionics. Again DO NOT cross brands of chargers. It doesn't work.
You can charge "generics" on A/B chargers, one of my friends used to charge his Inik brand batts on my T2 every weekend. He also charged them on his A/B Twin. Every now and then it would cause my T2 to act up, though. I bought some Inik's for my audio bag and the first time they charged on my A/B, the second time they wouldn't, so I bought an Inik charger specifically for them.
When I used an Anton Bauer Charger for generics it didn't sense the voltage properly. The battery was charged to 24 volts. And yes it did fry an Ikegami power supply. Be careful!!