wide angle SD lens for HD camera?


I definitely would not do it

Been debating this issue with a colleague.

He claims that the glass is the same, and that an SD wide angle for a 2/3 inch camera does the job fine.

Worth getting an SD lens as a wide angle or not? Any chromatic abbheration problems or not?

For example:
I went through the same thought process a couple of years ago, and did try an SD Canon 16 X zoom on my Sony PMW 350. It was a disaster with terrible chromatic aberration.
If I get the chance over the next few days I will dig it out and post online.
Honestly it was a shocker, and I'd never ever do it again.


Well-known member
Don't waste your money buying an SD W/A and putting it on an HD camera. I've seen guys try to get away with it and some do, but if you have a client paying the going rate for HD, give them HD gear. One of the guys I used to shoot with used SD W/A's for several years on the road and it was obvious even watching at home when his cameras were being used because of the CA and the picture quality at the edges of the frame. The network finally told him he HAD to buy HD lenses. No if's and's or but's. And he had to get two at once.

Tv Shooter

Well-known member
What camera are you putting it on? HDX900? Then for most things, it'll be fine. Very low light will be an issue, as is shooting on extender. But you buy it to shoot wide, so if you need a lot of length, just swap lenses.


Well-known member
Yeah, okay. Cool. I currently have a Fujinon 18x4.2 with extender on my HPX370, so it's wider than my HDX900 lens, which is great and it is excellent for pretty much everything. The good glass makes a big difference with this camera. I shoot with it for FOX Sports and Newschannel regularly. The HDX900 lens is a Fujinon 17x7.6 a great lens with extender but not wide enough. Will get HD wide angle in the future, for now I rent one from Bexel for $350 per day. Thinking about getting a Century Precision Optics zoom through wide angle adapter with a sunshade so that I can stick a filter in front if I need a Polarizer or something. Could be sufficient until I invest in a wide angle.