UFC Fighter training in Eugene

After I shot this I decided to let the subjects tell the story. It's been a while since I've done a nat-pack so I thought I'd give it a shot. Since it was more of a feature peice anyway, I figured I'd be able to get away with it.

I had a tough time with color and exposure on this one. There were several different light sources and I was constantly having to adjust every time I moved. They have a big garage door that was up for part of the shoot then they put it down. I was hoping to at least be consistent with the color, but it didn't quite work out.

I also shot several interviews, but only used two ... unfortuantely they were the two that I had facing the same direction during the interview.

Training in Eugene: UFC fighter gets ready for upcoming event

Latin Lens

Well-known member
Okay...I mean this in the nicest way possible but I think this wasn't a particular good story. Perhaps its because you approached it as a natpkg is what failed you. The reason I say this is because there truly wasn't a story here or atleast not one that you could find or draw out so the lack of that fundamental piece really set you back. Its almost like an infomercial rather than a news story. I understand the struggle with your lighting issues...but had you not said anything I'd chalk it up as a challenge you actually tried your best to tame and did a fairly good job at. I liked your positioning in the interviews...good job there. But you also had soooo many jumpcuts it started to make me cringe. What really helps you is cutaways...a ton of them to help you get around edits...ultratights of colored shorts moving or painful expressions...anything to help you get around edits to prevent jumpcuts...you need to be on your toes when doing this sort of shooting because you don't have much time to get the shot, you almost have to roll and just find quick shots over the length of the fight. Ultrawides help you too because they allow you to get around to the next sequence...also with so much movement in the facility...some cool foreground/background shots would come in handy as well. I think this shoot didn't play to any of your strengths which is a shame because I think every story could be a little to a whole lot better. You just need to understand the situation and be prepared for it. Visualize the visuals on your way there to get the mind working. I will always applaud a natpkg attempt because they are tough to do but you really need to find the character/story to make it worthwhile.
I knew there wasn't much value for this from a news perspective, and while I fished for a few different angles to make it newsy ... I didn't want to force it to be something it wasn't. I read a quote, from someone who I'm unable to remember, that said, "Journalism is asking the questions that people don't want to answer. Everything else is just advertising." I was hoping I didn't go too far over the top with this one, but that may have been the case ... especially with this version. The version that ran in the newscast was much shorter and focused solely on Reinhardt training in Eugene. It still wasn't very newsy, but wasn't as much of an infomercial for the gym.

I'll work on those jump cuts the next time I'm in a situation like this one. I rolled with them this time around not thinking that they were overly offensive to the eye. Clearly not a good call. Thanks Latin!

Latin Lens

Well-known member
"Journalism is asking the questions that people don't want to answer. Everything else is just advertising."....very powerful quote. Now I hope you understand that I wasn't taking it that far...but without a true storyline to follow this is the sorta feel it ends up with. Basically I learned there's a UFC fighter, from Eugene, some cool guy he knows has a gym...its harsh but there's not much there. Natpkgs can come off like this if you can't find the story which is what makes them very hard to accomplish. I like the fact that you're trying...most won't even attempt. This one didn't work but learn from it to apply it to the next one.
I didn't think you were taking it that far ... I appreciate all the feedback. While I'm not fresh out of school I know I'm still comparatively new in the industry and can use all the help I can get. Criticism isn't hearing what we want, its listening to what we need. I may never make a great journalist, but with the help of others I'm hoping I'll be able to tell a good story when I need to.