Trash Troubles

This is one of those stories that wasn't bad but wasn't great either. It was so-so...very average. The issue itself seems like there was some potential and you were trying to jazz it up with using that GoPro camera (or other type of mountable camera) and that helped a lot, yes, so good job on that. I don't know if you had any input into the story or if the reporter just took over after you shot it. Intro was rather boring and unimaginative...there's gotta be a little more thought into the setup and intro of characters to really draw a viewer in. Nats, natsots, and good editing is the key there. I hate dissolves so I would say lose those. Will shooting think of that so you get the sequences you need to avoid the dissolve in the edit bay. While shooting...think of the final product (foresight) so that you can get the best video/audio possible to make a average story much better.