Sports to News?

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Hey guys I was looking for a little advice. I have a friend in a small market who is doing sports on-air. He's looking to jump off-air and likes the shooting aspects, and wants to jump over to news. Now his tape isn't the best news stuff, but the kid is an awesome sports shooter. He's creative, knows the basic news sequence, and everything but the tape will be lite on news. Will this hurt his chances getting into news, or can he jump in without a problem. I told him to be ready to prove he's done with sports, but he's worried about his tape not being what a chief is looking for as far as news compared to sports pkg's he's shot. Any advice would be appreciated.... thanks


Well-known member
My opinion, If you can shoot sports and have been around a newsroom for awhile, you can shoot news. Minor adjustments required. Tell him to send his tape and resume with a cover letter explaining what he has done and where he wants to go. If his tape is good I would think most Chief's would give him a chance.
Just my opinion.

Mr MoOz

Well-known member
Ditto, especailly if he has done solid features. Sports is no cake walk shooting it right. You miss the money shot you dont have the story. It is hi-lite driven with the emphasis on that money shot.
I worked as chief in a 100+ market, and some of my best hustlers shooters were sports only photogs. On in particular was awesome in doing news, he is now in D.C. and outguns just about anyone there.

Something else to consider, is that most sports guys are very well versed at OMB stuff. They tend to be more well rounded in talent.

If you want, have him send his written res to me. I will give him points to talk about to a news guy.


Well-known member
Triple ditto...I have to say I've received more doubt from sports guys (until they see my vid) than news. Not to belittle news...I understand the ideas that news can be considered much more important than sports on the pie graph, but the money shot is a must in most stories. Whether news or sports...what money shot isn't important? The challenge in news is often that you are covering something that has already happened, thus creativity comes into play. In your friend's case I don't think it will be a problem. If the continuity and consistency are present, I think creativity in the situation can still be proven. Your friend may still have to prove themself...but I don't see any reason that the chance should not be provided. Most times you hear of news guys trying to switch over to sports. Being able to follow action is a skill...and that is just as important in news as it is in sports. The difference in news is the effect of the product. News deals with bigger issues than following the ball, and it affects people in a more personal way. Sports is very important to sports fans and gamblers, but news touches home a little closer than box scores and stats. I don't think your friend will have a problem. If he/she is that worried about it, have them volunteer to fill in on some shifts to get some news reel to accompany their resume. That may be the solution anyway...he/she will have a more complete tape no matter what a chief's qualifications might be. A spot news VOSOT, live shot, or even a weekend package might be the element needed.


Thanks a lot guys, I passed these ideas along to my friend & it boosted his spirits quite abit, so on his & my behalf thank you! I think his tape is going to be solid, but not that fasinating of news.... I hope it won't hurt. He knows the basics and now I think all he needs to do is use his sports creativity and spoofs it onto news. Thanks again.... once again this proves this site how many nice people their are who haven't forgotten where anyone started from... and continue to help the newbies throughout their carrers.... Thank You!!
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