Some fodder for the conspiracy theorists among us.



Why did CBS scrub a story about army spy planes capturing the Times Square bomber?

Yesterday, we reported on the curious disappearance of a WCBS report that military spy planes had been used to capture the Times Square bomber. Why was this story scrubbed? We have the answer. Sort of.

The original article, "Army Intelligence Planes Led to Suspect's Arrest," by Marcia Kramer, read:

In the end, it was secret Army intelligence planes that did him in. Armed with his cell phone number, they circled the skies over the New York area, intercepting a call to Emirates Airlines reservations, before scrambling to catch him at John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Then, a few minutes after we wrote about it, the article was rewritten with no mention of spy planes, and no indication it had been updated. Spooky! We asked WCBS what happened, and a spokesman responded:

The story that was broadcast by WCBS-TV did not include any mention of a military plane, although the station did have unconfirmed information about the use of a plane that we looked into but were unable to confirm. A line about the use of military aircraft was inadvertently included in the story that appeared on the station's Web site but was removed.
According to WCBS, they simply got caught up in the frenzy of breaking news and "inadvertently" put in an unconfirmed detail. There is a problem with this account: The detail about the Army intelligence planes was featured prominently in the title of the originally article. Clearly, the line wasn't "inadvertently included"—it was put in and deliberately promoted. After all, it was the most eye-catching detail of the story.

For complete article along with "original" CBS web story...


Well-known member
Seems it would be easier to track a known cell phone number by the old trianglation method than by putting an army plane into what is perhaps the worlds busiest airspace.


Wow! Good one!
Now THIS is a thread worth checking into.

Who knows! it might get as big as the Craig's List thread if we keep contributing the "latest" theories! But...let's make a rule about no 9/11 theories...those are too easy and too old. This should be connected to current events as much as possible.