Remote Control Trash Can


Well-known member
This was shot in September after it happened the week before. You may already own one, but if you don't... go get one, they do take time to program properly...and are expensive to keep around. The first one trained the second one.

The learning and expense aside, they are awesome to have around the house. I hope they learn to clean up after themselves one day.

Brock Samson

Well-known member
Matter of fact, I've got my first one on order right now. Shipping is backed up, but it should arrive around early October.


Well-known member
very funny

hey, do you think in a few years (whenever I get the proper order form) I could borrow yours to train my own?


Well-known member
It's not so much the price, because we just got the latest model on Saturday. But from what I understand we will be paying on all three of ours for ever and ever. As for borrowing you want the wife or the remotes? The remotes are similar to the wife except that they do what I say once in a while, where I do what she says all the

Brock Samson

Well-known member
In regards to the newer model, does the mute feature work on the remote? The ones that my sister have seem to have come without volume control. This can be quite an inconvenience.


Well-known member
Mute!!!???? No you wouldn't want that. If the audio is up full, then you'll never lose it like your tv remote. You see it's for your convenience!!!