Recording VO's to Hard Drive in FCP

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
Right now, I'm recording voiceovers to tape then injesting that into FCP, but that slows the process down.

I know FCP has some sort of program to record a VO direct to a hard drive (not the system drive), but you can only record 30seconds at a time. I need more time. Is there a third party program or some other configuration that I can use to record a VO directly to a hard drive?

It has been a while since I've use FCP, and it was v4 at that, but is the timeline defaulting to 30 seconds? Because you have to set in and out points for where you want the voiceover. A freeware recording program is Audacity, here is a link to the Mac version . I use the windows version, ymmv.

correct me if I'm wrong (b/c this is how we did it w/ Avid & I now only rarely use FCP) but I'm pretty sure you can set the capture tool to non-controlable device, then set it to capture audio only.

this should work if you have your audio running through a mixer (4 input mixer, ch1 & 2 from your deck, 1 input for your booth mic & one extra input... phoner?)

if this doesn't work, please tell us a little more about how your system it hooked up so we can possibly give you more help. but for Final Cut "PRO" hopefully you don't need a 3rd party app. to record just audio
Right now, I'm recording voiceovers to tape then injesting that into FCP, but that slows the process down.

I know FCP has some sort of program to record a VO direct to a hard drive (not the system drive), but you can only record 30seconds at a time. I need more time. Is there a third party program or some other configuration that I can use to record a VO directly to a hard drive?

In FCP select Tools, then Voice Over. You should be able to record as long as you have sequence material. It will only record between the mark in/out on the sequence. Perhaps that's where you're getting the 30 second limit. I've done lots of voice overs longer than 30 seconds in FCP and I just did another test to make sure of what I'm telling you. Each take will record on to the next audio track (it will create additional tracks as necesary).

You can due what are you doing...Instead of recording to tape, record to the HD.
As mention by Rocky, "set the capture tool to non-controlable device, then set it to capture audio only." I guess you are using the camera or deck for the VO. That may be easier for you. The other option are very good, too.
you have to set in and out points for where you want the voiceover.
Well, there's the issue. I didn't know about setting in & out points in the timeline. Once I did, I had all the recording time I want. I guess w/o the in & out points, it defaults to 30 seconds. Once you get the ins & outs set, it seems to work pretty well, a lot faster then recording the VOs to tape then importing them in. I have a VO booth, w/ the mic (Behringer B2) going to an 8 ch Makie mixer, into the DA box and to the Mac. I was laying to tape before but it's such a pain. I knew about the internal VO recorder in FCP, but I just didn't know about setting the ins & outs.

A freeware recording program is Audacity, here is a link to the Mac version
I might download that program for the hell of it, since it's free. It couldn't hurt to at least try it.


I don't know what version of FCP you're running, but I'm on 5.1.4 and with no in/out points set on my timeline, I was able to voiceover the entire length of the sequence. If you do set in/out points on the timeline, your VO will be limited to just that section no matter where you start or end playback from (like an automated punch in/out from my audio tape days).

Audacity is pretty good for a free application. I have been using it for about 3 or 4 years now for certain tasks and it keeps getting better.

I'd love to CM. Unfortunately, I have the Pro Max DAMax+ media converter and Pro Max stopped supporting that media converter for any version of FCP past v4.1, otherwise I'd have the latest version of FCP on my system. At this point, I can't justify another $2,500 for an AJA I/O media converter just to be able to upgrade FCP. It's just not worth it.

I have a question on FCP VO tool.
I keep forgetting to look for the media file of the audio to save it when/if I need to re-digitize create a story.
Where does that audio file live and what is the extension?
I have a question on FCP VO tool.
I keep forgetting to look for the media file of the audio to save it when/if I need to re-digitize create a story.
Where does that audio file live and what is the extension?

When you record your voice over, right click the audio clip on the timeline. Select 'Reveal in finder'. That will open a finder window showing you exactly where that file is.
