Importing P2 footage to Final Cut Server


Has anyone had any experience with this?? We are trying to figure out a way to directly upload our p2 footage into final cut server without having to import to final cut pro first. Or a quicker way to make the footage usable at other workstations connected to the server.:confused:
Can you not just load the raw cards onto the server? They still have to be transcoded at some point...P2=MXF while FCP=QT...
If you can ,we have not yet been able to figure it out and see know explanations in the manual. Have you been able to do this???
I don't work on a FCP server, just with FCP and P2...I was just going by the definition of a server...I went to Apple's website, and realized I was SO wrong...Sorry....

After looking around, I don't know whether the P2 card could be seen as an asset...The transcoded files could be...My first inclination would be to do a full auto "log and capture" on the cards through FCP...I'd do some really busted down version that would transcode superfast and then put those clips up on the FCP server...After editing, you can Relink and transcode to ProRes or whatever for the final form...
Basically you'd be using two levels of server...The traditional "dummy" server which has the P2 cards in folders in network storage, and the FCP Server which uses the interface to help share transcoded files for everyone...

My money is that you'd have to put them all through log and transfer before they could be seen as assets on the server...Maybe it'll change in an upcoming version of the server...

To be honest though, I'm just shooting in the wind...
Thanks. It's funny, my news director just asked me about this issue again as I walked through the door. She heard the the Local TWC news station uploads directly to their server from P2, but isn't sure if they are using FC Serv. From what I have researched there are not yet any official documentations on how to use FCS with the P2 because of how new they both are.