Grass Valley: Accurate way to resize 16x9 SX video to 4X3?

Clutch City

Well-known member
We'll be making the transistion to 16x9 very soon. In the meantime, we've started to shoot that format in sports for game footage so we'll already have good file to use once the transistion is complete.

Usining our Grass Valley editing, we've tried to use the video effects to make it look better in the 4x3 format but it still doesn't look quite right. Is there a more accurate way to do so?

Also, there are times when we shoot feature stories in 16X9. What's the best way to get an accurate letterbox and air it that way?



Active member
There's an options function that lets you 16:9. At my old stattion they used some kind of input box that had a 16:9 function on it that grass valley would letterbox.

i know that's not much of a help, but if you poke around, i remember it wasnt that hard to figure out...i was the only one doing it in the market a year and a half ago and had to figure it out on my own and im not really all that savvy when it comes to that stuff!

Necktie Boy

Well-known member
I don't work with Grass Valley,but most editing software has an aspect setting. It lets you decide how the video/still will size-in on the timeline. By turning it off, you should be able to import a 16:9 and center punch-it by resizing the frame to your needs. With other editors, you drop the 16:9 on a 4:3 timeline, and it automatic, it letterboxes the video. If GV doesn't letterbox it, reduce the video till it looks like it is letterboxed. I don't remember off hand the %. Maybe 33%??


Active member
I'm not sure if you are using Newsedit or Aurora. In Aurora, you need to set the aspect ratio of the program to the format you currently use on air. Then make sure that any 16x9 video you have is recognized as such. You can do that by right clicking on the clip, hit properties, and there will be a dropdown box there that says either 4x3 or 16x9. If it's set wrong, you can change it here. When you attempt to drop 16x9 video onto a 4x3 timeline, it will give you a set of options regarding how that video will be formatted. Letterbox, crop, everything should be there for you.
If you're using newsedit, I have no idea.
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I can tell you what I do but won't promise anything. I make sure all video is on video channel 2 and put and in and out on my timeline from beginning to end then add fx channel and then use the resize tool and put .75 in the y-aspect. That may not be perfect dimensions but it looks pretty accurate on a 4x3 screen. Hope it helps!


Active member
If your using Aurora, Do it as an effect. Add effect-resize- Change x aspect to 1.35- keyframe - render. Works every time.