Avid Interplay


Our station recently tried upgrading to Avid Interplay, but it was so fraught with problems that we ended up reverting back to Media Manager. Just curious if any other stations have tried this and what the experience was like.


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Our station recently tried upgrading to Avid Interplay, but it was so fraught with problems that we ended up reverting back to Media Manager. Just curious if any other stations have tried this and what the experience was like.
yes....same as yours.

after purchase, we found out it was incompatible with P2 media.
allegedly new code had been written and is allegedly working in tests at a station in Boston.

was trained on it when it came in...not since...so i'm not sure of all the terminology but i believe there was an issue where you pulled up a clip but it only showed the first frame. you had to use a different program to actually see video move.

out art director is more than a bit disappointed. apparently interplay is a "one-way street" in that he can feed out graphics to our "news" workspace....but cannot pull from our workspace to obtain element he might need to make the graphics.

we're in a bit of library limbo right now....until things shake out one way or another.