Abandoned Baby- Nat PKG

Latin Lens

Well-known member
Overall...not a bad job...but I can't seem to tell if its just the video playback or is there some sort of whiteflash/overexposure transitions going on in the piece...I just found it rather odd whichever it was...the overexposed shots are I believe to be a photo no-no if you can avoid it all cost. So watch your sun to shade levels to avoid that. There were some rough audio transitions which all you need to do is some fading and it'll sound better. What I can't seem to shake is the really the story itself and the hyperlocalized angle you took us to...here's what I mean. The story was kinda there but the same theme kept coming up over and over...maybe if it was shortened to relieve this, it'd be a little more impactful. You probably needed a better transition than a text gfx to get to the arrival of the Child Services. And I know you are there on the street on some corner but I think you could have done a better story if you incoporated the neighborhood more or utilized it as a character itself...because literally we don't move from that corner and I think there's an avenue to explore if you add the neighborhood into it. It can give some overall relief and perspective that this is missing about where this happened. Nice job/effort....just expand some ideas and this would have rocked. Get transition shots to fill the blanks or to act as a bridge to different topics or time shifts.