A Tale of Two Houses (Another "Inconvieniant" Truth, as it were....


Well-known member
One house is a palatial 12,000 sq feet, with 20 rooms and 8 baths. We'll call this one house "A".

The other is a "relatively" normal 4,000 sq feet, with 4 bedrooms and 4 baths. We'll call this one house "B".

Got it? Good. Let's learn some fun facts about these houses and their owners!!!!!

House A consumes 221,000 kwhrs of electricity per year. The "average" Amercian home uses around 10,656 kwhrs per year - so yeah, house A does in fact use 20 TIMES as much power as a typical home. House A also has a hefty gas bill - $1,080 per month - or about 9 times that of a typical gas useage of a 'normal" home...

House B has an advanced geotheremal heat pump system, which uses water pumped below ground to keep the house a consistant 69 degrees year around. Combined with solar panels on the roof and tree plantings that provide shade and stop drafts, house B uses 75% LESS power than an average home. It also has rainwater catchment systems to trap surface run off and store it for watering landscaping, and a septic system that provides fertilizer for an organic garden. A nearby pond provides cooling breezes and habitat for many types of threatened indigineous plants and animals.

Both the owners of houses A and B are weatlthy men.

One is a Capitalist.

One is an Environmentalist.

House A is in Tennessee

House B is in Texas

The owner of House A just recieved an Academy Award for a documentary about the looming threat of environmental chaos brought on by global warming from the excess burning of fossil fuels to produce energy. Maybe you saw it - it was called "An Inconvieniant Truth".

The owner of house B is often accused of single-handedly destroying the entire planet..... in spite of his own home.

So, you probably already know who owns house A, then.... The massive, inefficient, overcomsumptive, wasteful beheamoth that uses 20 TIMES the energy of a typical home.

But who owns house B?

Well, it's only a "weekend" house for now. The rest of the time the owner lives at 1600 Penn. Ave. in Washington. D.C.

Have a nice day.

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
And how do you know this? Have you been to both houses? Or do you just believe anything a Republican on the Fox News Channel says?



Well-known member
The Bush house info. is from the Chicago Tribune, summer of '01

Algore's house info is from the Tennessee Environmental Policy Center, as of today.

Google it.

Al Gore + House + Nashville + electricity + Tennessee Policy Center

Lexis/Nexis on the Tirbune stuff.

Hey, you couldn't MAKE UP stuff THAT good!!!!!!


Active member
Nice one pre-set. Curious that there are no more posts after you sourced your info. After all, nothing negative about the left is EVER TRUE!!! It's just part of evil folks on the right trying to destroy the planet, middle class, children, etc... If Al Gore and his ilk want to tell me how to live my life, they can eat my recycled sh*t.

That being said, I put alot more weight it what someone like Ed Begley says since he actually PUTS HIS MONEY WHERE HIS MOUTH IS!!!!!!


Well-known member
IMO, if you put the owner's of both these homes side by side, you'd still have less than a whole human being.

Sadly, the 2000 elections were a contest between dumb and dumber.

Here's hoping for a 'real' presidential candidate in '08. That's all the response I have.



Well-known member
Your facts are wrong and misleading.

House A is an older home in a colder climate.

House B is a relative new build utilizing technology not available when the other was built.

Bush Photo Op ranch is actually much larger than the 4 bedroom, 4,000 sq. foot home in your post. That calls into question the source and accuracy of your other listed "facts."

It actually is a large home, (over 10,000 sq. ft, with a pool, etc.) that sits on a 16,000 acre plot. That's right....16, 000 acres. You think he built a 4 bedroom home on that? I think it is hypocritical that a person that does not believe in Global Warming and only gives lip service to energy cost savings, has built a home that uses the latest technology. But hey, you know how republicans love to point fingers while keeping the dollars in their pockets.


Well-known member
Tennessee ain't Buffalo. You probably got more snow there in the first 23 minutes of your first snow storm than they got all year.

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
Tennessee ain't Buffalo. You probably got more snow there in the first 23 minutes of your first snow storm than they got all year.
And Texas ain't Tennassee. TN has more days of cold weather than TX probably has in 3yrs. Granted, TN would be warmer than Baltimore, it isn't as warm as TX in the Winter. So of course, Gore would use more resources for heating in the Winter than Bush.

And do you really think somone who is from the wealth of the Bush family would live in a modest 4,000 SQ Ft house? C'mon.

"Poor George...he was born with his silver head up his ass!" - Me



Well-known member
Foxwood, I didn't realize you vacationed as a guest of the President.

My humble apologies. I was only relaying what I've read in various credible sources of information and news. But since you clearly know otherwise, I defer to you, sir.....

B'more - yep, Nashville, TN is indeed colder than central TX, but not drastically so. Plus, TX is windy as Hell, so it prolly "feels" simmilar in the winter, although the ambient air temp might be warmer by 10 or so degrees on average.

Now - all of you - now that we've exposed some more "Bush lies" here, can we please get back to discussing algore's house?

Don't you guys find it a little.... shall we say "uncomfortable", that the High Priest of Global Warming in the Church of Modern Environmentalism lives in such a manner?

I mean, do I expect him to live in a thatched hut and drink nectar and ride a bike everywhere? No. Of course not. BUT, I WOULD think he'd be at least a LITTLE bit nclined to feel the need to lead by example....

Unless, of course, his example is to burn as much gas and eletricity as is humanly possible, I guess.

Retort, please.