Anybody use the Lowel L lights?


Well-known member
I've never used his particular light before but from the looks of it I think I like the build of it better than the lowel prolight. I am trying to piece together my own personal light kit for video and still photography. (I am an ENG Photog).

At a max of 300watts, these guys have a little more punch than the 250's. They also use the MR-16 Halogen Lamps as opposed to the quartz bulbs. I'm not sure of the difference but I am assuming the color temp is just as stable as in the quartz bulbs.

To be totally honest I am not a huge fan of lowel products, the don't seem to be as robust as some of the others out there. But I haven't been able to find anything comprable in the price range. Are there any good resources other than ebay to get descent us lights?

Thanks as always for your help!


Well-known member
I've used the pros and omnis, which were okay, but not this one. Do NOT like the V or Tota much...too much exposure to the lamp.

zac love

Well-known member
This is pretty much a light bulb socket with barn doors that you can mount to a light stand. I have one at work, but I've never personally used it. (Maybe should one of these days to see how well it works.)

I think the Pro light is great. Much more expandable, focus-able, uses 100-250w watt bulbs, & just slightly bigger foot print than the L light.


Well-known member
I use it as a hair-light with the barn-doors or throw a sliver of light on wall. A little more use full if you have some black foil to wrap around it.


I have always found Lowell lights to be to flimsy - great for a student or small market TV where budgets are VERY tight and equipment is one of those things weighed heavily (I am NOT trying to offend anyone in a small market - just economics).

This light looks more like a strobe that still photogs use - if you are actually looking for a lightweight, focusable light with versatility that will be used as an accent light, hair light or fill - you might want to look for a used Fresnel in the 150 range (most can be re-lamped for 200 watts) - these type of lights produce a softer more flatering light but still have a good throw when needed.

Just my $ .01 (reduced due to the economy)


Well-known member
Would a Rifa kit be in your budget?

Nothing network-like but it'll get you through most ENG interviews quite nicely... plus the softbox will do well to control light for your stills. A Tota or L-light with umbrella will give you decent soft light but you don't have (too much) control over where it throws the light, especially in smaller rooms.

... and black wrap is your BFF. :)


Well-known member
For local news I had a kit that was two Lowel Pro Lights, three stands, an XS Chimera, an umbrella, and some light weight 15' extension cords.

If you leave on most of the light in the room, they provide plenty of fill and even some accent lighting. Then I would usually just set up one of the Pro Lights with either the Chimera (in a smaller room like an office or a home), or the umbrella in a larger space (shooting an interview in a big room where I wasn't so concerned with spill on the background). I had a white umbrella that I preferred to shoot through rather than bounce the light off of.

Any way, the Pro Light would provide a key light with some direction, and the rest of the lights in the room would do the rest of the work. If you position some one carefully, you can use one of the room lights, like an overhead, to give you a nice rim / hair light.

I did this for speed and portability reasons. I generally got some very nice results. If I needed more light there was the second Pro light in the bag, and also a 3rd stand for a reflector and spring clamp (which live in my run bag) for a fill light. If I needed even more light for a live shot, or an extra pretty interview, etc, there was always the usual Omni kit in the truck.

I still use those same Pro Lights, but more fore hair lights, or accent lights now that I'm freelancing.
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