Recent content by smltm4nw

  1. S

    Server --->P2

    I just moved to a new station and we are using P2 with avid Unity. If I need files that are on the server is there a way to move those files from the server back to a P2 card. The only way I know to do this is to print it to a DVC pro tape then transfer it. But I have to believe there is an...
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    New gift idea for the love of your life

    I'm sure this is what every photographers significant other is clamoring for this Christmas
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    I'm in the early stages of looking at getting lasik eye surgery. I'm wondering is there anyone that has had it done. Has it had a negative (or positive) impact on your shooting? Any other pro or cons that you could inform me of. thanks
  4. S

    weird request

    I just finished this sweeps piece of a night in jail. I feel like it's missing something, but am at a loss to say what. Mostly because I've been staring at it for far to long. I need some infusion of creativity so please rip me apart throw out some ideas, anything. Just understand as you...
  5. S

    firing someone

    I know I'm in a really small market and that I probably don't really deserve to be the chief. But, I am and I find myself having to probably fire somebody today, One just lack of making sure things are cued correctly and two because now they are flat lying to my face about editing a vo/sot that...
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    The fake bum story

    Well it's that all important time of year when management pulls out the cleverer then clever stories and one of my straws was to follow the anchor dressed up as a bum looking for drink money. This is a two day shoot, the first day I'm hiding in the unmarked SUV shooting the anchor on the...
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    Another "Has this happened to you?"

    Going to have to preface this story a bit. For about 2 weeks we have been putting together a story about an assisted living house that specialises in alzheimer's and dementia. We had a family approach us because of some mistreatment that thier mother was getting. They gave some really great...
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    station listing

    With the format info page down does anyone know another good site to find a listing of stations in every market. I liked using that page to find stations around the country to look at for ideas.
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    Opening myself for criticism

    Being that I opened my mouth and critiqued someone elses work I will put me out there for a beating. Be kind, don't be kind, any advice is helpful. 89.flv This is my favorite piece I've done so far, I wish I had shot more...
  10. S

    live shots

    I am in a small market and we have an interesting new live issue. We can never go live in an area that might have crowds. My company is so concerned with getting an FCC fine if someone walking by might yell out a one of the 50 or so words on our list. So now if we are unable to control the...
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    Wireless systems

    I'm looking for some input on what wireless systems you are using in the field. I am trying start a small video production company on the side and need to purchase some mics. Currently I'm using Sennheisers 100G2's at the station I work for so I am aware of how they work, but I just wanted...