Tough Staffer


How do you handle a member of your staff who you think is just an as@@hole? I have a guy like that. I try to be fair with him and avoid doing anything different with him. (Or to him.) I just don't like this guy. How do you handle this as a manager??


Well-known member
My advice, treat him as you would any other member of the team. keep him busy and keep a close eye on his shooting. Keep notes on his performance and document any mistakes on his part.

I had one like that once, great shooter but couldn't get along with anyone. He eventully screwed up enough time that he was let go.

The ones that are like that will eventully dig their own grave. But, if you don't have anything documented on him, with copies to the ND, you will not have a case when the time comes.

Good luck, guys like that will usually see they don't fit into your shop and leave.


Well-known member
I not a chief photog, but am a Director of Photography/Photographer. I would seriously sit the guy down and tell him objectively how he is behaving according to you. Don't be malicious or mean, but tell him what you've notice and if any
other notice his behavior. If he gets defensive then deal with that, no fun having an a**hole to work with everyday

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
Originally posted by mettacm:
How do you handle a member of your staff who you think is just an as@@hole?
Show him the door...

Serioulsly, I don't put up with clients who act like that and I wouldn't expect a boss to put up with someone who acts that way. It would be like a television version of "The Office". That show is excruciatingly painfull to watch, I can only imagine how painfull it would be to actually be in that situation.

Does this staff member lower everyone else's morale? If so (along with his other faults), warn him. If he doesn't improve introduce him to the outside of the building.


Brian P


Is this guy a problem for the whole operation or is just you?

Forgive me if that sounds blunt but your original note didn't make that clear. Let's assume this photographer is a walking black hole for the newsroom.

Hopefully your yearly evaluations of staff include a "communications" section. You could give him low marks there and begin some documentaion.

But remember as a manager, it is up to you to give this photographer every opportunity to improve. Perhaps someone in human resources can give you some ideas.

Good luck.


This guy is a problem. For most, not all, of the newsroom. I asked his last chief about this(We all do our "research") and he had the sam problem with this guy. He rarely does anything overt, he's the sneaky sort who likes to get over people. Attitude was a large part of the last eval that I did with him. I spelled it out for him. Saw some improvement, then it got worse. Thing is he's a OK shooter , so I need to decide how much crap I'll accept from him.


Well-known member
put him on nightside, or daybreak.....somewhere where he can least affect others.....put him in charge of all vo's. maybe a weeks vacation w/o pay might clean his tude a bit.
I agree with an earlier post, which was sit him down and be very upfront with him. The bad thing is, he may not know he's bringing everyone down, so he has to be told in order to even know he's doing anything wrong. On the other hand, he could know exactly what he's doing, and in which case sit him down say this is the final time this talk will happen, next time you're gone. Flat out we are not children, nor should we treat them like children. He's a grown damn man, and grown people shouldn't have to be told time after time how to act, what to do, and how to do it. Hope this helps dude, good luck!


Before you go off on him...find out how he is feeling. In my own experience, I suffer from social anxiety, and it would often make me angry and hard to work with. I didn't know I was affecting anyone! I got on meds, and my world turned around 180 degrees. This may be his problem...or he may just be a bad employee, I don't know. Hopefully he can get some help.


Well-known member
I Know this is potentially an older thread, but is this a personal thing here?

All your arguments have been about how you do not like this guy. Does he do nothing wrong at work? Is his shooting poor or does he show attitude in the work place?

You have given no specifics to work with. Is this simply a clash of personalities?