The dangers of texting while driving

Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
Okay, I'm putting this into the uncensored forum because while the subject of texting while driving could go anywhere this link, as you will see is only suitable for this forum.
Think about that before you text the Assn desk or your buddy.

By the way the 6th photo down is a pair of legs and part of a spine. That image stuck in my head all day. Do not visit the link if squeamish. You have been warned.

Texting While Driving Is Suicide



Well-known member
Sad stuff.
Truth is though, if someone is dumb enough to type instead of looking where they are driving their car, a video or images of badness aint gonna change anything for em.

Ben Longden

Well-known member

Er, How do we know for certain it was a case of texting and driving?
Phone still in his hand? He could have been resetting his GPS....

In my former volunteer role as a road accident rescue worker, I attended a triple fatality, car v truck headon. it was a miscalulation by the car driver at a cross roads, in the rain and at night in the middle of nowhere. Four people in the car, one survived. The others were just like the victim in this. The truckie now has to live with it, despite the fact he did everything he could to avoid and minimise the collision.

Moral of the story I guess is
1) when your number is up. Its up.
2) make sure you give yourself every chance possible of surviving the trip - speed appropriate for the road, traffic and weather. Stay on the correct side of the road. Minimise fatigue, never drink or drug drive, reduce distractions and assume every other driver on the roads is a homicidal maniac out to get YOU. (Tips from my Ambulance driving instructor)
