pass in the left lane

zac love

Well-known member
just wanted to rant...

Yesterday I had about 3 times where someone was tail gating me while I was driving in the center lane on the freeway. NO one in the left lane. Slower traffic in the right lane. And me, moving at a good speed that won't get me pulled over.

@&*$# other driver stays on my bumper until there is a gap in the right lane & zooms in & out of the slow moving vehicles.

Anyone here know what is so bad about passing on the left? Or driving in the left lane? Do @&^$%@ think that they can't get a speeding ticket if they're not in the left lane? Does that work before a judge, "I wasn't speeding b/c I wasn't in the fast lane."?

(ok, thanks, I feel a little better now. just pissed off at finder for making my day horrible.)


Well-known member
Just no lane discipline here in the US...Done my share of driving on the Autobahn in Germany and there would be serious consequences if you pulled sh!t like that. No respect or discipline here.Sad.

Chicago Dog

Well-known member
One fine evening, I had a guy on a sport bike tailgate me while driving a livetruck down a highway. Nobody else around -- he was just doing it to be a jackass. He was so close, I couldn't see him in the rear-view mirrors.

I wish there were a way to tell him, "Look, idiot. If I have to slam on my brakes, you're not going to win in the resulting collision."