news director communication???

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All the time, as a matter of fact he just walked out of my office. He wants to know if we can do a microwave hop out of nearby town that's down in a hole. But that's another story.

Seriously, talk to them all the time. Get to know their moods, the name of their husband/wife and children, find out what meds their on (if relevant), put their phone numbers in your cell. Talk to them even if they're in a bad mood. Ask for help, make suggestions, help out. Know when to ask for money for gear and when to keep your trap shut. Learn about when your budget starts and start working on them in advance for stuff you may want/need.

In a nutshell I'd start talking to them yesterday.
They can be your friend or your enemy. Make them a friend. You don't have to go out drinking with them but keep them on your good side.

Good luck with the new gig and congrats! :cool:


Some friendly advice - don't always show up with problems or bad news. Pop your head in every now and then to let him/her know of something good going on - exclusive or great video one of your staffers shot - good numbers from the night before - a problem you fixed before it got the ND's attention. The idea is that if every time you show up, it's bad news he/she will dread your shaddow in their doorstep.


Active member
I echo all the other excellent suggestions given so far, they will ensure that realistic goals are achieved, and disappointments avoided.

Excellent communication with your news director is a must to keep things rolling smoothly. If I'm in the building (I'm a busy guy sometimes) try to talk to our ND each day, bringing them both the good and bad, of what’s happening. Communicate everything, no matter how trivial... small items usually reveal a bigger picture down the road.

News directors are busy people also, so I try to condense issues into bullet points for them to digest and decide. If they want more info, they'll ask.

Thomas E Morales
Chief ENG Videographer
KCOY & KKFX Television
Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, CA


Active member
SWOPE: how come you call yourself "yellow beta when you don't shoot SX? Also think it took you long enough to get to chief at a 2 shooter shop. Been there what, 6 years as THE shooter?


Well-known member

You so funny Shoot to kill

Actually, It all came down to the chief you never thought would leave, did.

As for the name, My first assigned camera was a Beta SP. Hence the name. I shoot on DVC Pro now. But I think you already know that :)


Active member
Yellow taped up beta: I have no idea what chief you are talking about. But anyway, congrats on your promotion by atrition...


I agree with all the above comments. My ND is an ex-chief (my chief when I started). That is a world of help when you are having either good or bad problems. I agree with NorthShore, know the names of their wife and kids...if it a small enough market invite them for dinner once or twice, it helps with communication down the road. But, like all have to them at least once a day, good or bad.


Well-known member
DIDN'T KNOW THAT MY ASST. WAS LOGGED IN ON MY COMPUTER! LAST POST WAS MINE. Not that it matters, information is what is relivent.
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