Lithium Ion Batteries from Rathbone

Hello Everyone,

Thank all those great people who came by our booth at NAB2007. Thank you for your questions and interest in the rebuilding of your packs. This show allows us to show you the actual insides of these battery packs.

This year we introduced our new line of Lithium Ion battery packs ranging from 63WH to 160WH in V-mount and Gold Mount styles.

Check them out on our web site and please call to speak with your sales rep today.

We are not Li-ON fans but they have taken a significant percentage of the market place so we must join that band wagon.

Today, on our web site, we started a poll, a work in progress, asking questions of our client base about different topics from your opinions of NAB2007 and the cost to visit or have a booth at the show and other important topics such as lithium ion batteries.

As usual we will first do the research, gather the facts, place them on our web site for reference, and then make the presentation.

One thing we will be confirming is the FAA regulations on Li-ON aboard airliners. According to a wealth of new information we were given at NAB2007 plus our previous knowledge, You should be aware that at this moment you are allowed to board two Li-ON batteries up to 95WH each, NO MORE! If in your bagged luggage you pack more than the volume of Lithium Ion allowed, and you are asked if you are shipping anything hazardous and you say No, and then your bags are inspected, that you will face charges and penalities including a $250,000.00 fine. We are doing a more through search on charges and penalties this week to confirm this information and advise you, our client base, of the facts.

But, please see our new line of Lithium Ion. Just use common sense, ask an authority if in question, and be SAFE!


Ron L. Rathbone
Rathbone Energy, Inc.
2595 E. Hwy 25/70
Building # 2
Dandridge, TN 37725
There's a better way - - when cell quality is paramount
800-223-1775 Sales
865-484-1783 Office & Sales


Well-known member
I can tell you this, the Anton Bauer Lithion Dionic 90's i've been using for the past 2 or 3 yrs aren't worth 1/4 of their $400 original price after about a yr of use.. Yes I have the right charger with updated software etc. etc. etc.. Anyone else having the same headaches with these lightweight bars of gold ?


Well-known member
Has anyone had problems traveling with Li-ON batteries? I've bought some from other vendors and so far we're pleased with them. We're used to the higher watt-hours so cutting back to 95wh would seem like a step backwards if the restrictions are never enforced.
I've seen Frezzi now has a 200wh Li-on, those must last about a week per charge!
Question on 200WH Li-ON Pack Price

No secret that we do not care for Li-ON but because they have taken a piece of the market we had to join the band wagon.

We have considered a 200WH Li-ON pack but have reservations.

Because we are a battery assembler and battery rebuilder we hear many horror stories from across the nation and overseas. Besides fligt issues there is the insurance issue, and the uncommon denominator called the human photojournalist. Unpredicitable.

I want to be careful not to list our pricing and become an unsolicited ad. With Li-ON it does not matter whether you have a 90WH for $399, or like what we build, a 95WH for under $210, or a 155/160 for $949 or like ours for under $340, each in V mount or gold mount with Panasonic and Sanyo cells.

Lithium Ion is Lithium Ion and is good for +/- 200 charge discharge cycles. The Chinese cells will leak quickly but any Li-ON from any manufacturer is a 200 charge discharge cycle chemical.

So, What is the going price for a 200 WH Li-ON battery?

Are all safety issues addressed?

If I am out of line I expect you will block my thread but please advise so I can re-write.


Ron L. Rathbone
Rathbone Energy, Inc.