I have a great job but...

About five months ago I took a job in NYC. It's great job, working with and for good people. Here's the rub. My wife is miserable here and it's to a point that we are going to have to move back. Soon I will begin applying for positions and I have a potential problem. I'm currently in management. I've been an editor, shooter, chief, and ops manager leading up to this. I realize that with such short lead time I am most likely going to have to apply for a shooter position which isn't a problem because I truly love to shoot. I have some ideas on how to address this but I also know that whenever I receive an application with such a discrepancy between current position and the position being apllied for I'm a little suspicious. Any thoughts?...losing the wife is not an option.
I was in your situation and I found that simply explaining just as you did and submitting strong references from your current employer was all that was needed without questions. I think this is more common than you think, especially in this industry.

Sask Photog

I've moved lots -- and I've always worried that the next employer will think there's something fishy. The second last move our family made was BACK to Canada and to a market that was substantially smaller. My brother got sick and we needed to be closer. The ND at the new station was actually pretty happy to get a little higher level of experience than what he usually got. I explained my brother's health and the situation was never an issue. Most folks understand moves based on family. Stickkicker, I actually think it shows how much character you've got.


Active member
I have to admit that I didn't really take into account the number of times that someone had changed jobs. That is unless it was more than twice in one year.

If you are good they will want you. Save your marriage and find a great place to work that pleases you both. You never know it might be the best move you ever make.