How Al Gore justifies his energy useage - and why YOU can't!!!


Well-known member
So, by now we're all fammiliar with the huge, giant, rediculous amount of energy Algore's house in Tennessee uses (in case you're not - it's roughly 2o TIMES the amount of energy used by a typical home), but here's what you night NOT know about the High Priest of Global Warming...

Algore is actually poluting LESS than all you other wastetrels out there, despite his massive energy useage. Here's how.

He buys things called "carbon offsets". What are those? Well, it's sort of like a commidity. They represent a "carbon saving" somewhere else in the world. Planting trees, flourescent lights, ect... - all those are things which reduce the amount of energy used or reduce the amount of carbon in the air by re-absorbing it (the trees). By purchasing enough carbon offsets, you could theoretically reduce your own carbon footprint on the planet.

Sounds good, right? Okay, this is the BEST part!!!!!

Algore buys HIS carbon offsets from a company called Generation Investment Management LLP. They have offices in Washington D.C. and London, U.K. He buys lots of carbon offsets from this company - enough to wipe out his own carbon useage.

But YOU can't buy carbon offsets from this company. They only have ONE customer. His name is Algore.

Oddly, that's also the name of the company's founder and owner!!!!!

Wow! How about that?

Algore can use vast amounts of electricity, generate huge amounts of carbon doing it, buy carbon offsets from HIMSELF to reduce his "impact", and make a tidy profit from himself doing it!!!!!!

Yep. These ARE the kind of brains capable of inventing the internet. I beleive it now!!!!!


Well-known member

if you want some carbon offsets so bad, all you had to do was ask.
I got a couple I will sell you


Well-known member
Nah. First off, I don't need them nearly as bad as Algore since I only use about 1/25th the amount of energy in a year as he does.

Secondly, if I ever decide I DO need to buy some, I'm gonna start my own company and sell them to MYSELF. Then I can just keep the money.

Works for Algore, right?

Frank McBride

Well-known member
Even if we could purchase the offsets, the average person isn't going to have the money or incentive to do so. My money is tied up in supporting my family as well as those on welfare, FEMA vouchers, etc. I'm sure if Al has his way I'll have my check docked before I ever see it to pay for my well as the offset for those welfare and FEMA folks.


Baltimore Shooter

Well-known member
BTW, last I checked, AL Gore is TWO names, not one. That's Al Gore, not Algore. Or did they teach you to mispell Democrat's names in your Repulican grammer school?

BTW, Bush is a Republican'T.



Well-known member
Not all energy is produced the same way.. In fact, there is something called, "Renewable energy", which is produced by hydro power and solar energy. Gore does use a lot of energy, that is true, but he goes out of his way to purchase green energy, and actually has a zero carbon footprint. Quite the opposite of the impression you provided.

By the way, a quick look into the Tenessee Center for Policy Research, which claims to be a non-partisan group, shows links to a number of right wing, conservative websites. In fact, the Tenessee department of revenue has determined that they are an illegatimate organization, and has denied them tax exempt status.

Using press releases by groups such as this to form an opinion is the same as thinking Rush Limbaugh is providing the truth.
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Well-known member
pre set...

Although you and I have very different political views I ask you to at least show the Vice President (albeit Ex) the proper respect he deserves. Former presidents are still called Mr. President and although I did not vote for President Bush (either one) I would still refer to them as Mr. President or at least properly spell their names.
So while you may be frustrated re: this whole issue please show the man the respect he deserves.


Well-known member
I suppose it's easier for republicans to talk about Al Gore's utility bills than it is for them to discuss the war in Iraq, the treatment of our wounded soldiers at Walter Reed, the possible illeagal firing of Federal Prosecuters, failed foreign policy, failed education policy, Scooter Libby, etc., etc., etc.


Well-known member

Do a simple google search for, "buy carbon offsets." You will find plenty of places to spend your money. That is, if you are actually willing to put your money where your mouth is.


Well-known member
Although you and I have very different political views I ask you to at least show the Vice President (albeit Ex) the proper respect he deserves. Former presidents are still called Mr. President and although I did not vote for President Bush (either one) I would still refer to them as Mr. President or at least properly spell their names.
So while you may be frustrated re: this whole issue please show the man the respect he deserves.

I appreciate your sentiment there, LCP. I truely do. And there was once a time (even on this very board) that my comments reflected your wishes.

But others on the left here have shown me that this respect is NOT in fact needed. If it were, they'd show it themselves when refering to members of the opposite side of the political spectrum. Since they don't, they've shown that it's acceptable under our rules of deccorum.

So, frmr Vice President Al Gore III is now "Algore", and will remain so until we ALL start using proper respect for titles.

Sentiment noted though, sir.


Well-known member
... the possible illeagal firing of Federal Prosecuters.....

You DO in fact realize that the current administration has fired a TOTAL of SEVEN (7!) Federal Prosecutors since Jan. 20, 2001.

You DO in fact (perhaps not) realize that the Clinton administration fired ALL Federal Prosecutors in the first 3 months of 1992.

Dig a a little deeper next time Foxwood!!!!


Well-known member
Not all energy is produced the same way.. In fact, there is something called, "Renewable energy", which is produced by hydro power and solar energy. Gore does use a lot of energy, that is true, but he goes out of his way to purchase green energy, and actually has a zero carbon footprint. Quite the opposite of the impression you provided.

By the way, a quick look into the Tenessee Center for Policy Research, which claims to be a non-partisan group, shows links to a number of right wing, conservative websites. In fact, the Tenessee department of revenue has determined that they are an illegatimate organization, and has denied them tax exempt status.

Using press releases by groups such as this to form an opinion is the same as thinking Rush Limbaugh is providing the truth.

This DOES NOT excuse the fact that his house is a MASSIVE waster of energy. Whether it comes from "green" sources or not is rediculous. It shouldn't USE that much to begin with!!!!

If Algore was some anti-environmental industrialist such waste would at least be expected, though not condoned. But Algore is the High Priest of Global Warming!!!!! Such behavior is simply beyond acceptable, green energy or not. It's STILL energy!


Well-known member
Actually, there is quite a difference between green energy and that produced by carbon based fuel. It is not related to the amount of energy used.

Your information resources are invalid. Your argument is invalid.

Camera Face

Active member
I wouldn't say his arguments are invalid. In fact, they're not even his arguments. They're Rush Limbaugh's. Word for word. So your problem is with Rush, not pre-set. Since most of Rush's arguments are invalid, I think pre-set should try to come up with some of his own.


Well-known member
Actually, there is quite a difference between green energy and that produced by carbon based fuel. It is not related to the amount of energy used.

Your information resources are invalid. Your argument is invalid.

You cannot possibly be this obtuse. It's impossible. I simply refuse to beleive that you are this stupid.

Energy IS engergy. Think back to physics in high school!

Granted, 221,000 kwhrs of solar or wind energy might not have the same carbon impact of 221,000 kwhrs of coal fired energy, but it's STILL 221,000 kwhrs of ENERGY being USED.

The goal should be to be as efficient - to use as LITTLE - energy as possible. If Algore would cut his OWN useage by a reasonable 75%, it would FREE UP over 150,000 kwrs to be used elsewhere, or BETTER - to NOT BE USED AT ALL!!!!!

Think about it like this.... Let's say Algore's nieghbor doesn't buy "green" power like Algore does. Instead he buys coal-fired electricity like most people. Well, we could burn LESS coal if Algore wasn't using so much "green" energy himself! There'd be more to go around, and coal wouldn't need to be burned.

Wasting "green" energy doesn't make it okay. It's STILL a waste of energy. Energy that WILL have to be created from some other source to make up for that whcih is wasted.

Do you FINALLY understand my point?


Well-known member
Energy is energy?

That is a rather simple-minded way to look at it.

As the demand for more green energy increases, producers will find a way to provide it. Look at all the solar, hydro and wind projects that have evolved over the years. It's called supply and demand. And that, my spittle-lipped friend, will reduce the reliance on carbon based energy. If people like Al Gore prefer to buy green energy, there will be someone there to provide it. And if that energy is not produced by burning coal, then it reduces the carbon footprint by that amount.

But I suppose you are totally into green energy, and all the information you provided didn't come from some phony, made-up, never heard from before organization set up to slam Al Gore that was ruled illegimate by the State they are in. But it's neat that you included them in your tag-line to prove your point.


Well-known member
As far as the source of your information is concerned....

Contributions to the Tennessee Center For Policy Research totaled $104,980 in 2005, according to its one and only 990 available online at the Foundation Center's 990 Finder.

The Center lists a post office box number as its address which makes sense since occupancy costs were $450 for the year.

The IRS requires 501(c)(3)s to disclose the names of board members and officers which the Center fails to do. The 990 is signed by Jason A. Johnson who presumably is related to Drew Johnson, listed as the Center's president on the website.

Total salary expense for 2005 is $52,213. Despite a tight budget, the Center's managed to spend $8,155 on meals and travel. Marketing expense is $5,934 but no money was spent on research.

$98,870 of the Center's funding came from indirect public support which means another organization provided funding. Maybe Drew Johnson, Tennesee Center For Policy Research president, could provide that information. Perhaps Mr. Johnson could tell us, too, if anyone involved in the Center actually lives in Tennessee.

The Tennessee Center For Policy Research is not an obscure conservative group. It is a faux conservative group specifically set up to send out inflammatory press releases like the one about Al Gore's electricity bills.

Therefore, any arguements you make based on information provided by them, are false.

What will Rush talk about tomorrow?


Well-known member
So this organization that provided Algore's power figures isn't telling the truth about his power useage? Thy're lying about it then?

Then why hasn't it been sued out of existance by said Algore? If those figures were anything but completely accurate, I'm sure a virtual army of left wing lawyers would have crushed them by now.

And yet they're still around, 10 days later.

And I don't understand your fasicination with Rush Limbaugh. You must spend a lot of time listening to him though - which I find sort of odd considering....

As for me, I don't hear him very often. I'm a Glenn Beck fan. He has a much better, much funnier show. The times I hear Limbaugh, he's talking about golf half the time anyway. And I hate golf.

Look, beleive whatever you want about who funds them or what their agenda is... But if what they're saying is correct and factual, then it doesn't matter.

I'm no fan of frmr President Clinton, but if the man said it was sunny outside - and it was - I'd beleive him. I wouldn't insist it was raining just because Mr. Clinton said it was sunny.

As far as "demand" for green energy.... I don't know how much more simply I can say it. So for the last time, here it is....

Energy wasted is energy wasted, regardless of the means in which it was generated. If a given quantity of green energy is wasted somewhere, a given quantity of "other" energy (read carbon based) must be generated to replace that green energy that was wasted. Short term demand does not change in this example - only the means in which the energy was created. Those extra kwrs wasted by the Gore home COULD have been out on the open market, available to someone else who instead had to buy carbon based energy.

I can't say it any more simply than that. If you can't understand that in such clear terms, then I cannot help you.


Well-known member
I have never asked for your help. You are in fact, quite entertaining though. Your Mom should ask your Kindergarten teacher for more nap time for you though. Maybe a more comfy rug would help.


Well-known member

Sometimes, in the real world, it takes more than 10 days to sue someone out of exsistance.

Your arguement is baseless, as are your facts and assumptions.