ego trouble


Well-known member
Ok, I know I may get in trouble for this.

A co worker at the station(not a shooter) has developed a hunger for power. I wouldn't think much of it, except this person is good friends with the GM. So no one has been able to stop them. The News Director tried to control things and was just shoved aside.

Now my job has turned from teaching/shooting to damage control.

I'm working on a tape. I just need to deal with things in the short term.

Any ideas?



Well-known member
If the News Director can't control the situation then I'm afraid your only option is to complete your escape tape. You need to get out of that situation as quickly as possible. Remember to stay positive and not "burn any bridges." You will still need management to give you a good reference. Just mind your own business and don't choose sides. Sometimes neutrality can be the best policy. Just ask the Swiss!

Good luck to you brother!