canuck photog


hey guys, just hard is it for a canadian to jump the border and work in the states? I head something about sponsoring and some sort of special terms..i know that sometimes it is difficult to cross unless you have a "special" talent but what about tose stations that have jobs they cant fill for months at a time??


Well-known member
Over the years, we've has several from the north... it seems a lot easier for yall to come south than us to go north. Hmmm... maybe we can work out a trade?

I've thought about it and over the past couple of years have talked to a few chiefs in the states about the possibility of getting sponsored. A couple seemed interested in my tape...but when they looked into it they realized what an arduous process it is to hire a Canadian (at least compared to simply handing over a job to the next best American photog who requires ZERO immigration paperwork to hire). That's when they basically said thanks but no thanks...and "Give us a call if you ever get sponsored and we'll look at you again."

That being said...never say never. Give a call to a couple shops you'd be interested in working for and see what their policy is.

Good luck.