Anyone care to check out my work?


Well-known member
Snow Dream

FYI- Critiques are best digested one at a time around here, but I chose 'Snow Dream'

I thought this was a pretty well put together story for :58 seconds. It told me what was going on but I could have used a little more of why, I guess. But, that's just kinda nit-picking. Also, the closing shot was all wrong. Give me tight to wide. Not, wide to... a little less wide? A better look at the finished product, to negative (pull OUT), would have sold it all a little better, in my opinion.

All-in-all, well done on that one.

Latin Lens

Well-known member
I chose "Wearing his Job Search"...and its an interesting topic. However...the impact of what this family is trying to do is somewhat lost on me because of the photography behind it. I understand the difficulty of shooting very "limited" b-roll (the guy and his sons are just standing on the corner) but you need to get creative to not have what I saw as...breaking of axis and jumpcuts littered throughout the story. Not good skills to showcase. Reporter standup was nat breaks to help break op the monotony of track...soundbite...track...soundbite. This story needed you to move around as much as possible...get reax to people seeing this...getting creative artsy b-roll to avoid the jumpcuts and axis breaks. A nice attempt but a rather below average final product in my eyes. Needs work. I'll watch another one and see what happens there. By the way I recognize some these stories...I think you've posted some individually before?

Latin Lens

Well-known member
I second chose "Milking Manolo Money"...again a very blah piece because of structure...track, soundbite...track, boring. I think the reporter tried to set up the piece for a nice reveal...but you guys gave it away too early and she failed big time in her writing....which didn't help you either and vice versa. Again...boring, unimaginative need to more creative so it stands out better...get nats to use...get creative shots to showcase your photography eye... and it helps with the entertainment factor especially on longer stories like this...Do you guys work as team? Or does your reporter write and then you edit what she wrote? Because if you guys start utilizing some teamwork these stories can be much better...good topics but bad approach and final product.